- Category: AI/ ML
- Domain: Botany
- Project time line: 2020 - 22
- Project URL of Till Date Projects: Github Repository
It is an application linked to a device developed for farmers to keep track of their day-to-day activities in their field. The application is developed to maintain a regular record of the farmers account, the PH level of the soil, farmer union, temperature, and other factors also notify if there is any disease present in plants and classify what type of disease through the help of deep-learning, and obtain the list of ways it can be prevented the disease affecting it. Still under the development IEDC of BNMIT.
The farmers are the backbone of the country who produce crops. The farmers plant many plants, crops and take care of them till they are harvested. The problem the farmers or gardeners or botanist face is that the plants or crops are diseased. To identify the disease that crop or plant has and to treat the disease with appropriate fertilizers, pesticides, the environment in which the crop or plant must be grown in is also necessary to be known before planting, the parameters like temperature, humidity etc. These problems can be solved using Know Your Plant. Know your plant is a mobile crop advisory app for farmers, extension workers and gardeners using which you can monitor your crop and plant growth. Know your plant uses farm level data to predict ideal growth conditions and resource requirements and notify farmers to take informed decisions, below the soil parameters, crop stage, crop growth. Know your plant provides real-time insight into daily progress of your crops and activities, manages sales, expenses and cash flow to ensure the health of your finances
• Is to constantly monitor plants and crop's health.
• Is to keep record of financial transactions.
• Is to help out farmer, gardener and botanist to diagnose flora.
• Diagnose the disease and give its cure.
• Diagnose the disease and give its cure.